Friday, March 12, 2010

Slow Down...


Nature is not in a hurry,
a rock that stood its ground
a hundred years ago
has finally washed up on shore
as a handful of sand.

The footprint walking upright
started the race a million years ago,
had Darwin sweeping and clearing
the ground before it.

If there be an ear to listen,
whisper into it..
..slow down.
Remember the turtle,
stirred to motion,
moving like honey.

Swift belongs to hummingbirds,
and serpent's darting tongues,
words that stir a rage
to hasten the end of days.

The rise and fall of angel's wings
hardly stir the breeze.
Eternity moves slowly
when beginning
and end
are one and the same.

c copyright/ all rights reserved/2010


Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Last stanza...beginning with 'the rise and fall of angel's wings' took my heart to a new place...beautiful!

alaine@éclectique said...

I love this; most of my days are done slowly these days! Talking about angels' wings, our latest 'cripple' Cockatoo is losing its feathers; it has enough to fly but not enough to put on the brakes when it wants to land. It's come in so fast lately, soon it will hit the window and we'll be in tears again...

Lyn said...

Hi Mary Ann-
Thank you..yes, angels, special for me too!

Lyn said...

Hi Alaine-
Oh, what a waiting game with poor Cockatoo! I hope it turns out well for you..
Thank you, Alaine!

Deedee said...

Wow! This s my favorite poem of yours yet, Lyn!
"a rock that stood its ground
a hundred years ago
has finally washed up on shore
as a handful of sand".
A sublimely beautiful turn of phrase!

Salon Delucca said...

mmmmm, the last stanza I love - it's magic xxo

Lyn said...

Hi Deedee-
I always appreciate your comments.
My favorite poem is the one I'm working on..and then it changes!

Lyn said...

Hi Jeane-
Thank you..if I did!!

Patrice said...

Beautiful and brilliant, like a shaft of sunlight. your words just sparkle.

I love the lines about the turtle:

...stirred to motion,
moving like honey...


Every stanza is a gem on it's own, the whole, a treasure.

Lyn said...

Hi Patrice-
Thank you..your comments, more than I could ask for!! Happy for shared visions...

Roz Morris aka @Roz_Morris . Blog: Nail Your Novel said...

Lovely, especially the turtle moving like honey.

Lyn said...

Hi dirtywhitecandy-
It seems to be one of those phrases! Thank you for noticing!!

A Cuban In London said...

May I just say that this is a poem to be performed rather than to be read? Would it offend you? And as the first spring sun rays break through here in GB, may I add that in the performance I would like a string quartet? Although a pianist on his/her own would be just as welcome.

How's this for a musical note:

'If there be an ear to listen,
whisper into it..'

Here, I'm sticking mine out. :-)

Many thanks. That was a fantastic piece.

Greetings from London.

Lyn said...

Greetings to a Cuban-
I feel exactly as you fact, I'd have you as my manager! The truth is I always say the poems out loud, think of them as part of an audition..for what? For the play I've yet to write....??

Unknown said...

Hi Lyn,

Thoughtful ideas in this. I particularly like
"Swift belongs to hummingbirds,
and serpent's darting tongues,"
two very different images. Good poem!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
Thank you so much..since you are a writer of very good poetry, you know that sometimes phrases are a gift! Where did that come from???

Dick said...

"A turtle...moving like honey." What a great thought-picture! Let's see, can I do that in a photo?

Ever think of publishing your work?

Lyn said...

Hi Dick-
Thank you so much..I'm sure that you can "do it" in your photos, checked at yours..
By the way, this IS fuss, no muss!!

The Muse said...

how truly we need to hear these paced...quicker faster...
your pen has urged us, chastened and poetically :)

Anonymous said...

A wonderful piece of writing Lyn.
"The rise and fall of angel's wings
hardly stir the breeze." What a lovely image this conjures - serenity, solace and peace, protection.

Lyn said...

Hi to The Muse-
Thank well you have expressed this!!

Lyn said...

Hi Studio Sylvia-
I do thank you for your kind words..serenity, peace, etc. We certainly need...

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
Thank you..since you write so well, you'll know this is true...I don't always know where I'm going!!And I'm surprised I got there...


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