Monday, March 22, 2010

Magpie/ Prompt #6

                                       photo/willow/magpie tales


They came in the mail today,
American Brand Spitting Nails,
"For when you're really angry."

If you favor spewing tiny wounds,
the instructions tell you how
to spit the missile...

"Pucker up,
blow a kiss, turn it into
a poison dart."

Also stated, "When attacked,
don't pass the buck,
return the insult.

You may penetrate the skin with nails,
(but remember)
you can only pierce the soul
with words."

Beginners: if you prefer,
don't break the flesh,
but rend the garment
till the thread begins to unravel.

Keep in mind,
anger begins anew
as it ends,
so re-order your supply of
Spitting Nails,

c copyright/all rights reserved/ 2010

Thanks to Willow, again, for the opportunity to join Magpie Prompts.  Be sure to check out other participants!


Butternut Squash said...

Horrifying! That is a pain filled masterpiece.

Peace, love, salve for the soul and body.

Salon Delucca said...

oh, Lyn, this is just the best! A+ - you are so talented xxo

Catalyst said...

Ha! Good one!

Tess Kincaid said...

Pucker up and blow a poison dart?! LOVE it!! (I know someone who does this) hee.

Lyn said...

Hi Butternut-
Thank you for the comment..definitely peace, love and brown rice!!

Lyn said...

Hi Jeane-
You are more than kind..Thanks..I had fun carving this one up!

Lyn said...

Hi Catalyst-
Thanks for dropping by, and for the comment!

Lyn said...

Hi Willow-
Thanks for offering these endless treats. I guess it's all in there!
I too knew a few lethal darters!!ha...

Brian Miller said... they sell anything to defend against it? great take on the prompt...i know a few...

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

I can almost taste the are so good! Loved every line!

joanna said...

You can heal from a cut but you cannot take back the cruel words spoken

(but remember)
you can only pierce the soul
with words."

Good one

Lyn said...

Hi Brian-
How do you defend against anger..
walk, run..get out of there!! Thanks..

Lyn said...

Hi Mary Ann-
Thank you so much..I enjoyed making my way through this one...

Lyn said...

Hi joanny-
As I've gotten older I've learned the lesson to think before I speak..thanks for your comment!

Margie said...

Excellent writing!

Margie :)

joanna said...


It is everyone's lesson.....



spacedlaw said...

Good call! A little scary, a little funny, a good balance.

Pete Goulding said...

Remind me to keep on your good side, Lyn! Very funny, very clever take!

Lyn said...

Hi Margie-
Thanks..I keep trying!

Lyn said...

Hi Joanny-
Thank you..again..

Lyn said...

Hi Spacedlaw-
Thank you..that's me! Scary and funny!!

Lyn said...

Hi Peter-
Thanks... Not to worry..I've only got a good side!!

Vicki Lane said...

Love it!

Lyn said...

Hi Vicki-
Thanks for your kind words!

Joan Tucker said...

Loved your poem; funny, sharp, true.
Your chose of words worked.. yes yes. Joan T

Lyn said...

Hi Joan-
Thank you so much..isn't it great, the directions this takes us the challenge.

Angie Muresan said...

You are very good Lyn. I like this quite a lot.

Lyn said...

Hi Angie-
How nice of you to say that! Thanks for visiting..

Unknown said...

Hi Lyn,

Your take on these prompts is novel and so amusing! Spitting feathers is far more gentle!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
Thanks Derrick..things just turn funny with me, and I myself am the gentlest of souls!!

Suz said...

Oh my...what a treat!
This was fabulous and so original...I think I will show this one true!
And to use the word rend! I thought I was the only one who has used that biblical word in my writing!
It is such a powerful image...
loved it

Lyn said...

Hi Suz-
I'm so pleased and thankful for your response! Wow!
These prompts are such great challenges, aren't they..and fun!!

steviewren said...

I never thought of spitting nails as wounding another before reading your poem...just interpreted it as being angry enough to spit nails. Great twist to the saying's meaning! You really put a visual to the idea of saying hateful things.

Lyn said...

Hi steviewren-
Me too, always meant it to mean spitting mad..but you know, when writing, anything goes! Thanks so much...

Katherine said...

Clever lady! The human nail gun! What an imagination! Loved this!

Lyn said...

Hi Katherine-
That's me...tough as nails!!..not!..I'm really anti-anger!
Thanks for your comments..

The Bug said...

I wonder if I imagined that I really was spitting nails I might watch what I say. I don't really want to HURT people, do I?

Lyn said...

Hi Bug-
Thanks for visiting..of course we don't want to hurt anyone..we must be cautious!

Jan of Thousand Acres said...

Superb! Really loved this, thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Sun Dance Hill-
What a nice comment...thank you!

Jennifer said...

Irony, humour and timely! Great take on the prompt.

Lyn said...

Hi Jennifer-
A pleasure hearing from you...
good-bye to anger, and all that!


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