Monday, April 19, 2010

MAGPIE/ Prompt #10

                            photo/willow/magpie tales

Once again, joining Willow at Magpie Tales for another enigmatic prompt!  For a real treat, do check out all the other participants...


I was standing at the edge
of the biggest watch
in the world, which a minute ago
seemed ordinary
when it was tucked into Newton's pocket.

The watch fell out and grew and grew
as if it were a conquering Goliath,
and beckoned:

Have no fear, just fall into me.

So I tumbled like Alice
diving into Mr. Carroll's epic.
As I slid I wondered if a renowned author
was composing me to last forever too.

I asked the cliched question,
"What time is it ?"

Time itself answered me,
chiming a measured beat.
Springs and gears spun under my feet.

I wandered within a playing field
where I twirled on the second hand,
and kicked a minute to outer space.
I got hold of an hour and pulled time to a halt,
causing a breath to die tomorrow
instead of today.

A tiny hammer lifted to strike me,
as I became one with time.
Wound up by God,
I'm still ticking
in the clockwork universe.


Unknown said...

Welcome back, Lyn!

Profound, surreal and philosophical!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
Thanks for the welcome! Jumping back in...

Helen said...

I enjoyed your Magpie today ... it's fascinating to see how many different poems and prose can be written ~ from one tiny prompt.

Lyn said...

Hi Helen-
Thank long as we can keep on being inspired!!

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Nice about your return and that you are still playing well with these prompts...this one a brilliant romp!

Lyn said...

Hi Mary Ann-
Thanks for dropping by and the comment..Love the new photo, very stylish!!

Brian Miller said...

wicked cool the surreal if it were a dream or a childrens tale as you suggest...

Catalyst said...

Oh, there is lots to think about in this one, Lyn. Thank you!

Lyn said...

Hi Brian-
Thanks..I did sort of let this take its own path!

Lyn said...

Hi Catalyst-
Grateful for your comment..I do like to dig into these prompts!!

Vicki Lane said...

Love this kind of time travel -- very Lewis Carroll-ish! Waiting for it to be adapted into a movie by Tim Burton.

Lyn said...

Hi Vicki-
Thank sure think big! Tim Burton, only if Johnny Depp is part of the deal!!

rel said...

Impressive...kept my mind moving, like studying a Salvador Dali painting. And I thought about some minutes I'd like to kick to outer space.

Jingle said...

wonderful tale,
nice to meet.

Lyn said...

Hi rel..
Thank you..I think a melting Dali watch would be just the ticket!

Lyn said...

Hi Jingle-
Thanks for the comment..nice to meet you too..

Lyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

deep, philosophical, playful and whimsical at the same time. I REALLY enjoyed it. :)

Lyn said...

Hi Lisa-
So glad for your response..I enjoyed doing this prompt!

joanna said...


Wonderful! My mind is still spinning with Alice in a surreal out of time sort of place where clocks tick forward and tick backwards and it is all the same.... "as I became one with time."


Salon Delucca said...

nice to have you back :) this is wonderful feeling very surreal xxo

Lyn said...

Hi Joanny-
Thank's fun being Alice!!

Lyn said...

Hi Jeane-
Thanks..glad to be back..and bringing surrealism with me!!

Tess Kincaid said...

Wow, Lyn, killer last line! Love this. LOVE it!!

Lyn said...

Hi Willow-
Thanks to you..keep 'em coming, oh mighty leader!!

steviewren said...

Dali, the Bible, Newton, Carroll, Pascal and maybe even Bradbury...your poem echos with imagery from the ages.

Short Poems said...

Great tale, Lyn :)

marinela x x

Lyn said...

Hi steviewren-
Quite a list! Thank you..definitely will take Bradbury!!

Lyn said...

Hi Marinela-
Thank glad you liked it!

Pete Goulding said...

Ah that's a fantastic take. Completely nonsensical yet full of hidden truths!
Welcome back!

Lyn said...

Hi Peter-
Thanks so much..I'm right there when it comes to nonsense!
Glad to be back...

moondustwriter said...

Really like it - I'm here from Jingle
I see a faint glimpse of a white rabbit and hear I'm late....


Lyn said...

Hi Leslie-
Thank you for your very kind comment...will have to get on board one of these days...but I'm late!!!

Eddie said...

I went through your write-up, and am like 'WOW''s lovely.

I'm just a blog away;
I've got very heart-touching poems you sure will love.

Eddie said...

Nicely done.... Hope U've seen my previous comment.

I added your blog to the blogs I follow, feel free to add mine.

Lyn said...

Hi Odiomo-
Thanks for visiting..and comments..will return the favor!!

Lyn said...

Hi Odiomo-
Yes, thanks for comments! and adding my blog..very nice of you!!

Lyn said...

Ediomo!! Sorry for the misspelling!!!


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