Thursday, August 27, 2009


THANK YOU, SYLVIA, AT STUDIO SYLVIA, for honoring me with the MeMe Blog Award. It is wonderful to find kindred souls, isn't it? Your Blog is always imaginative and you are genuinely charming. I thank you and fate. A good combination!
What's required of me is to list 7 pieces of information about myself. Now the brain is going to work! I hope to come up with, and surprise myself with something new. I thought that I had already told all...maybe not!!
Then I am to pass the MeMe Blog Award on to 7 lovely bloggers... not difficult at all, and hopefully to be taken up and passed along..and on and on....
1. I will talk to strangers and they will be laughing within 10 seconds..and no, I'm not making funny faces!!
2. I believe that God, dreaming us, has bestowed the great gift of Mozart, Chocolate, Fred Astaire, and Julia Child, to us, to keep us from going really nuts. Oh yes, Vermeer, and, and .... Plus all of yours.
3. Both of my Grandfathers emigrated from Russia after the Revolution, left wives and children behind (to be summoned later), came to NYC to look for streets paved with gold. One became a bootlegger, the other became a poet. Neither found too much gold, just a few flecks! Changed professions.
4. I'd usually rather cook for you than go out. Although sometimes I don't mind being served. I love to cook, to throw a party. I always adjust recipes, I can taste what's on the printed page, make it my own. No one has ever complained. My ideal life has someone else doing the clean-up.
5. I was almost arrested by the KGB in Moscow. Once I tempted fate, the second time was bordering on entrapment.
6. I've had 2 major professions. #1..Makeup artist to the stars. #2...Consulting the stars(the heavenly ones) for answers...astrology, Tarot, any kind of divination that inspires me. Teaching meditation, healing with Reiki, spiritual consultations, all around psychic, ghost whisperer with a very ecumenical point of view.
7. I am old enough to retire from anything, but I really wish that I was retiring from having been a Prima Ballerina. Or even a Broadway gypsy. Maybe next time.
Now, here is my list of bloggy pals..will you please accept? It's good to know more about us!
Hello, Absurd World
Rubbish By Roan
The Keeping Room


Tess Kincaid said...

Ah. Poetry is in your DNA! How interesting.

WT actually was arrested by the KGB, by the way.

Lyn said...

Hi Willow-
Really arrested?..oh,my!
Poetry yes, and maybe I should have been a barmaid!

Roan said...

Thanks for the tag. I'll give this a shot, but it may take me a few days. I'll let you know when I finish. I enjoyed reading yours.

Lyn said...

Hi BJ-
Thanks for the comment..
Oh, do take your time..look forward to yours!

Unknown said...

Hi Lyn,

I also noticed that poetry is in your blood! Your grandpas were obviously brave men. Pity about the gold!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
Poetry is a good thing to inherit!
Leaving Russia after the revolution was the imperative.. the families were left behind, till a life here was established, which sometimes took years.

Unknown said...

Some great insights into your psyche Lyn, and some day, I want to hear about your KGB experience!
Congrats on the award, you are do deserving.

Lyn said...

Hi Jane-
Thank you!!
KGB story..We were tourists in Moscow, went into very crowded book store. It was forbidden to buy money. Young man approaches, tries to sell us money..we say no thanks..follows us around and pesters us. Several men in trench coats keep passing us. One last try..we say "no".. half the store (all police) exit, get into black limos, leave..We are saved from Siberia!!

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
Thanks for taking it up..your creativity is so much more than coffee!! Look forward to your response..

Deedee said...

What a great peek inside... glad to know all this about you, Lyn. You are a fascinating and most interesting woman!

Lyn said...

Hi Deedee-
I really appreciate your words, because I see you as being wise and accomplished!! Thank you!

Butternut Squash said...

Hi Lyn,

Thanks for the invite. I haven't been around much lately. I have been allowing myself to suffer greatly with the move. I'm getting over myself soon. I promise.

I would love to be near you so that you could make me laugh.

Peace and Love

Lyn said...

Hi Butternut-
Hope you regain your strength soon..and start enjoying yourself again..get ready to laugh!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lyn. I always find your posts interesting and you are welcome to the award. Pity you didn't live closer - I'd ask you for a reading. What interesting pieces about you.

Lyn said...

Hi Sylvia-
Thank you again for thinking of's fun trying to unearth some facts about ourselves..and looking into my crystal ball, I'd only give you good news!


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