Sunday, January 29, 2012

MAGPIE... Prompt #102


                                                        Red Spot II/ Wassily Kandinsky

THIS IS A GIFT TO ME...a couple of years ago I posted a blog about it is again!  Thank you Tess, at Magpie Tales.  Lazy me....


When I die and rush along the tunnel of white lights, being neither here nor there yet, I know that I will enter into a Kandinsky landscape.  I'm the last person to advance mathematical theory, but I see before me, clear as day, Einstein's very large number, c2, the very square of the speed of light.  You remember, E=mc2.

For Kandinsky, art and music gave rise to each other.  Color is art's pitch and volume, and a low note on a cello is deep blue.  Relativity will make sense when I enter that space between.  After my life, before my heaven, I christen that waiting place, "the space between".

Kandinsky left me a road map.  I saw it this morning as I paid a very early visit to the Guggenheim Museum.  Having the place almost to myself allowed me to observe the portals of eternity.  Great big eyes, circles of vibrancy, but also hues befitting Morpheus.  I awakened to the possibilities, as Kandinsky must have, after seeing his influence, Monet's "Haystacks".   Imagine that at age thirty he began artistic studies!  If it hadn't been for Monet, would it have happened?

Kandinsky believed his passion to create would awaken the same desire in the viewer, because the artist and observer were equal.  If the artist's creativity was pure enough, that would bring out a similar response in the viewer.  Therefore I took up his invitation this morning.  I peered through portals and found some enticing, some prohibiting.  A big eye, stared into, seemed to bring me closer to heaven.  And a tiny clock stood still.  When I really get to "the space between", I will have to piece it all together, next job after Earth.  But not yet.  Right now I'm just emerging from a museum.

But I do think this:  Creating Art is the same as starting a universe.    

It's always a pleasure for me see a Kandinsky and am not really surprised at how much they resemble each other.  Here's the painting I originally posted with the above...

Copyright/ all rights reserved/ 2012


Kay said...

wonderful piece here....lots of people seem to see chaos in his work but to me it is the height of controlled draftsmanship.

WAS said...


Everything we see becomes a painting that gets abstracted to its essence by our mind.

rel said...

like a jigsaw puzzle waiting to be reassembled?

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

Glad to see that this prompt inspires you with a concrete concept ...

lovely story telling,
Happy Writing.

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

Nice one!..


Lyn said...

Hi William-
I'm inclined to think that way myself..thank you!!

Kathe W. said...

"But I do think this: Creating Art is the same as starting a universe."
True so very very true!

Unknown said...

Wow!! I love this post and I am so happy I came by. I did a musical take on the painting and I would enjoy it immensely if you stopped by my blog and leave a comment. Thanks for sharing this, Lyn.


Lyn said...

Hi Kay-
I agree with you..seems precise and yet ethereal..thank you.

Lyn said...

Hi rel-
I see what you mean..but maybe assembled many times..thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Taylor-
Welcome...and so glad you're pleased..ideas came when I viewed the exhibit! Thanks.

Lyn said...

Hi JJ-
Thanks for stopping by, and your comment...

Lyn said...

Hi Kathe-
So happy that you agree..creativity never stops...thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Linda-
I too am happy you stopped by, and will definitely go to yours...thanks!!

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
So nice to hear from you..almost alone at the museum..early invite...

I just love the way you expressed this..I do feel that Kandinsky opens doors for me..thanks!!!

Other Mary said...

Oh, thanks for this! What a wonderful response to his art.

Lyn said...

Hi Other Mary-
What a lovely comment..thanks so much...his work is so full of clues!

Brian Miller said...

excellent end line...yes it is...and joining in that creation as we write or paint of whatever our art is draws us into something divine...

Cad said...

Creating Art is the same as starting a universe.

Couldn't agree more - thanks. :)

Lyn said...

Hi Brian..
On the truth/ beauty highway..a bumpy ride, but worth it!! thanks for your insight...

izzy said...

I think Guggenheim would be a grand place for him! I saw him at a smaller museum. I do adore Miro and Klee- then some of his- I wish I could be more mathematical and linear
in my art at times....thanks!

booguloo said...

Thanks for the insight and the second piece. I definitely like him more.

Anonymous said...

i'm gald that this inspired you so :0

iron mased fighter

Anonymous said...

i was also going to say...because this inspired me so...

DCW said...

Very thoughtful. I was not familiar with his work so I did a little reading today. Fascinating.

Lyn said...

Hi Cad-
So glad you agree! Thank you!

Lyn said...

Hi izzy-
I'm never mathematical in my art..I'm way too impressionistic...No doubt, the Guggenheim is an amazing must concentrate on the art! Thanks..

Lyn said...

Hi booguloo-
Very nice glad you like him now..Thank you...

Lyn said...

Hi zongrik-
Inspiration is great...aren't we lucky!! Thanks for the comment..

Lyn said...

So glad you found this interesting..that's part of the reason we're valuable to each other. Thanks..

Helen said...

Great post, Ms. Lyn!!

Tumblewords: said...

Delightful take - profound and intriguing.

Lyn said...

Hi Helen-
Thank you for your generous words!!

Lyn said...

Hi Tumblewords-
So happy that you liked this...somehow Kandinsky stays with me!! Thanks...

Berowne said...

"When I really get to 'the space between', I will have to piece it all together."
Please, when you do get there, let me know what it's like. I'll be making that trip myself one of these days...

Lyn said...

Hi Berowne-
Just wait for my message..and if you get there first, just whistle!Can heaven be fun? Thanks..

Isabel Doyle said...

Fabulous Lyn - interesting and insightful
Isabel x

dori said...

Wow, I just got chills reading this. Great one!

Dave King said...

You really ought to post this quite regularly!

Lyn said...

Hi Isabel-
Thanks for your kind words...I did sort of sink into this...

Lyn said...

Hi dori-
So glad about your reaction...thanks so much!

Lyn said...

Hi Dave-
That is an amazing comment...maybe next year..thank you!!

Carrie Van Horn said...

Brilliance at its best! :-)

Lyn said...

Hi Carrie-
Many thanks for your comment...I did find the Kandinsky to be a trip!

Helena said...

This post is very welcomed, Lynn. I have delved a bit more into Kadinsky via MT. I really WILL get an art print now!

Lyn said...

Hi Helena-
Thank you..I love to do research on art!

Christine said...

I've just discovered this. Thankyou for it. I've just discovered Kandinsky's work and am intrigued by the thought that goes into it.

Lyn said...

Hi Christine-
Really appreciate your kind comments...yes, this is one of my faves! Thank you...


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