Sunday, August 2, 2009


Don't cling to me
as you take me from the earth,
flattering me about my rosy tint,
inhaling my heart
then flinging me into your winter garden,
to read my petals on a wistful day.
Don't wrench away a coy bud
I've hidden
beneath a well placed thorn,
to give me up,
as if I were a beast impounded
and not a rose.
I'll start again
as dreams come into flower,
and let the earth embrace
what it comes upon
in me.

c copyright/ all rights reserved


Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
I'm so glad you liked this one..too many rainy days this summer..lots of time!!

alaine@éclectique said...

Hello Lyn, That's very,very good and, BTW, you can't kill a rose!

Jeane Myers said...

I'm totally with Poetikat - that line "read my petals on a wistful day" - such a fabulous picture and meaning and just everything! Love it!

Lyn said...

Hi Alaine-
Thank you very much..and of course I agree with you..about killing a rose!!!

Hi Jeane-
Sometimes words just sort of appear, that's why the writing is so much fun !! I thank you for caring!!

A Cuban In London said...

A plea from the rose? An enviromentally friendly poem? Whatever it was, the delivery was great. I loved the flower's voice. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Lyn said...

Greetings to a Cuban-
The voice of the rose..that's me!...Thank you!!

Unknown said...

Hi Lyn,

This is quite simply beautiful!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
What a lovely thing to say! I very much appreciate it..thank you!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful write, you. Very beautiful.

Lyn said...

Hi SarahA-
Thanks for your visit and your kind comment!


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