TODAY, nothing will save me
but beauty.
I have to find it, bring it to my heart,
bring it to my soul. Like an armful
of fuchsia peonies, I will make it obvious,
so that I do not miss it.
Imagine calling BEAUTY, "it".
Say "beauty" to me and I have a
Pavlovian response.
I see the Young Man, by Bronzino.
I've got a thing for him.
So I'm going to visit him today.
If I could, I would take the steps up
to the Met two at a time. Breathless
I will be, as I race past the monolithic
glass doors, into the Museum,
thrust my card at the guard,
get my button, pin it to my lapel,
and dash up the center staircase
straight to the Renaissance gallery.
I stop the first guard and whisper,
"Where is he today"? The guard has
seen me before, knows of my need.
"Turn left at the Giotto,
they've moved him".
Within seconds I see him. I stop
and approach slowly. He's not
surprised. After all this has been
going on for five centuries.
We are almost eye to eye.
I smile a sort of teasing Mona Lisa
smile, and greet him.
" Hello, gorgeous".
Hello Lyn,
With a smile, an outfit and an air like that, who wouldn't fall under his spell?!
Well I'm honored to see you again!
You've got it...beauty is....
Oooh. Now I have a longing for the Museum of Fine Art in Boston- I will have to get there soon! Enjoy your day!
Oh do go! It's a home away from home...Thank you.
ooooh la la! a love affair through the centuries! and may I just say, your blog has become one of my favorite reads in the morning!
Well, aren't you nice! Yes, I always know where he is. In fact I have a print of him hanging over my stove. Too much?
Thank you so much..me and the pursuit of beauty..love the ghost part..today I am as pale as!
This is so delightful!! And I'm leaving today with such a craving for some beautiful art.
Thank you so much..I'm leaving right now..Join me!! Enough to go around!
I like the idea of it being a Pavlovian response.
What a wonderful post, Lyn, really exhilarating.
Thanks so much for visiting..Yes, I'm well trained to respond to beauty!
I so appreciate your words...I am saved!!
You never fail to bring a smile to my dial. :D
Hi Natalie-
Aren't you sweet? Thank you..
By the way, what's with "follow"? Been having problems lately, this AM the format's been changed...hope this is for the good.
Lovely post, and the painting is divine.
Yes, that painting is really something..thank you so much!
I come via Camelopardalis.
I see why Raph referred to you so very highly.
I agree, imagine calling Bronzino's hansome lad an it.
Doesn't bear to think about, does it, although Beauty should always be borne and adorned. And thought of.
I really have to get to the Met one of the days and strike up my own conversation with this gentleman.
Of course, for me, I perceive beauty in Clio's learning and sagacity in studying the past, see it in Terpsichore fleet feet, hear it in Calliope's lilting voice, and then of course there are Euterpe and Erato... at the same time a beautiful vision to behold, and even more beautiful when warming the sides.
Beauty. He and She surround us in so many guises and so many attributes. And so many persist in seeing only the ugly.
And isn't that a shame.
I raise an effervescent flute of champers in one hand to you as a heady salute to your eloquence and vision. I raise a full-bodied glass of Barolo to you to honour your visual lucidity, your ability to see beyond the maya of existence into the kernals of truth that are truly worth seeing.
Sepiru Chris-
Attachment is a tyrant,no?
But it's good to have fun..and thanks for just appearing!!!
He truly is an amazing young man!
Indeed...his beauty doesn't diminish! Thank you.
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