Friday, August 27, 2010

MAGPIE/ Prompt #29

   photo/ willow/ magpie tales


Shut up, Hansel and keep walking.  For the life of me I can't imagine that you actually threw crumbs on the ground, and expected them not to be swallowed up on sight by some sorry little critter following a numbskull like you.

And stop shushing me..if you had listened to me, we would have ducked out of the house at the very crack of dawn before Papa, and that Joan Rivers look alike decided to take us for an early morning walk in the woods.  Did you really think that we were going to practise for the Boston Marathon?

Kids like us throw pebbles on the ground, not crumbs, when they're being lured to their doom by their dumb old man and greedy stepmother.  And now you're just walking in circles and of course it's up to me to rescue us, as usual. 

Whoa...will you look at that!  Nice little cottage, a bit shabby chic, but..  Sort of like "before", on an HGTV makeover, if you know what I mean.  A little corny, all those chintzy curtains, but look, a candle in the window!  A nice homey touch.  Well, beggars can't know what...

I must be dreaming..this is one of those gingerbread houses that kids like us stumble upon from time to time.  Have a bite of this window sill..sort of like a Hershey bar.  Look, there's a nice little old lady opening the door.

Smile, Hansel, take your hands out of your pockets, wave, and let me do the talking.  She's probably got something special for us!  Don't be so Grimm.

@copyright/all rights reserved/ 2010

Thank you Willow, for another opportunity to be part of Magpie Tales..a good idea that keeps getting better!!


steveroni said...


WUNDERBAR! Children gathered frequently around my father, sightless as he was, to hear him tell these stories, always with his "own" twist. Memories! thanks!

Pan said...

Brilliant, I loved it! lol

Jinksy said...

A clever tale to devour!

Deborah said...

Very clever ..I loved it! :o)

Words A Day said...

From "shut up Hansel" to "Hansel take your hands out of your pockets" this kept me smiling and reading-love your bossy gretal!

Lyn said...

Hi Steveroni-
Thanks..I think one should have a point of view!!

Lyn said...

Hi Pan-
Thanks for stopping by..and your lovely comment!!

Lyn said...

Hi Jinksy-
Thanks..I'm glad you "swallowed" this!!

Lyn said...

Hi Deborah-
So happy that you enjoyed..thank you!!

Lyn said...

Hi Words A Day-
Thanks..I think I went over the edge with this... fun for me too!!

Angie Muresan said...

Hahaha... Oh Lyn, you really have an awesome imagination!

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

I always thought the bread crumbs was a bad made the case for sure...wonderful take on the Manor and the tale!

Unknown said...

Great fun, Lyn. Not sure Willow will be too pleased with what you said about her house though?!

Lyn said...

Hi Mary Ann-
Thank you..I just went for an alternate plot for the Manor!!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
Willow?? The Manor?? Yikes, I never thought of that...

christine said...

Very clever weaving in the folk tale and that last comment... Don't be so grimm.... loved it!

Lyn said...

Hi Christine-
Thanks..the last comment..just floated in on a cloud!!

Lyn said...

Hi Angie-
Glad you got a laugh!! I do have a bit of fun!!

Tumblewords: said...

Brava! Love your contemporary look at this old tale - a laugh, for sure!

Lyn said...

Hi Tumblewords-
Thank you for your kind words.. a bossy Gretel, just for fun!

Brian Miller said... a chuckle that the grimm...brilliant magpie!

Lyn said...

Hi Brian-
Thank you, what would I do without these prompts? Can't take everything seriously!!

Tess Kincaid said...

Love this upbeat modern H & G tale!! Really a fun read, Lyn.

Lyn said...

Hi Willow..
You are a gem..bring out something "special" in me...thanks!!!

Kathe W. said...

Oh this is so great! Clever clever you..."dont be so Grimm" Oh hahah

Lyn said...

Hi kathew-'s fun to stumble upon things from time to time!! said...

Ha! Great way to use the prompt, Lyn! Still chuckling!

Lyn said...

Hi CatLadyLarew-
We all need a good laugh...thanks!!!

Paul C said...

You breath life into a classic tale.

Lyn said...

Hi Paul-
Thank you so much..sort of a different slant!

Anonymous said...

ha, ha! sounds like Gretal is in for the surprise of her life, the little miss know-it-all. I loved this story when i was little. i had it as a live action movie, filmed in Britain or something and would watch it all the time. loved this, great job, she sure is spunky, like your take on her character.

Lyn said...

Hi Patience-
Thanks for your kind words..I sort of like this saucy miss!!

Carrie Van Horn said...

Lyn, i absolutely love this!
What a fun and delicious tale!

Lyn said...

Hi Carrie-
Thank you so much..a little fun from time to time..I'll keep trying!

~T~ said...

Fun perspective! Have you read "Hansel and Diesel"?

Lyn said...

Hi ~T~...
Thanks..the answer is no..and I'm intrigued..will google!!


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