Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Two articles in today's paper about coffee?  That's not a coincidence, that's a blog. 

First, I came across the information that trellis grown coffee, grown like wine grapes, near the Moana Loa Volcano in Hawaii, enhances the natural flavor of the bean.  But this system comes rather dear, a pound of the Estate Reserve goes for $55.  All the way up to 5 lbs. for $205.95, just in case you feel the supply is running low, that someone out there may be hoarding the world supply.  Or planning to stay awake for a very long time.  By the way, the coffee bags contain a one-way gas valve, because amazingly, this intense coffee emits a gas which is able to explode the airtight bag that the coffee is packaged in.  Another item that you better not take on a plane.  Also, the need for an escape valve seems to be a warning (to me at least), of what could be going on in my stomach after I get my caffeine fix.

Which brings me to the second article, about the World's Most Expensive Coffee, also known as Civet Coffee.  Why, you ask?  Well, because the coffee is made from beans that pass through the digestive tract of that particular tropical cat.  Tempted, huh? 

Limited production and a short season commands a very high price.  Again, why?  Because the taste buds of coffee tasting experts say so.  And $30. for a cup of coffee?  Maybe for folks who've just decided to donate half of their billions to charity, or some elitist in my neck of the woods.  Aside from the price of a cup of coffee (refills?), I can't help but visualize some beans passing through my cat's tract, and I'll tell you, there's not enough rinsing in the world that would make me want to roast them for my morning joe. 

One company, at auction, grabbed up a bunch of Civet Coffee, eventually to sell at $75. for a 12 ounce jar.  And this Friday, (in NYC), the coffee is being featured at a weekly cupping.  The cupping is free.  Get on line.  Or you can go to this posh hotel for a cuppa, for $30.  Free donuts?


Sam Liu said...

Ha! This made me laugh, Lyn, a delightful read :)

As a coffee lover, I am always looking for new and different blends and brews, all of which offer rich and smooth flavours. I'm willing to spend a quite a bit on good coffee, but there is a limit. I've heard about coffee that's brewed from beans that have passed through certain animals' digestive systems. There's one made from beetle dung. Sounds utterly vile and it too is ludicrously expensive. Though they say there is no after-taste - which is brilliant, the after-taste of coffee is the one thing I don't like about it :)

Jeane Myers said...

serious!?? - hmmmmmm, well, I've had Kona coffee in Hawaii, but obviously not the same animal as the one with the 'gas release valve' - sometimes simple is best and enjoyed just as much - my fav and special treat is one shot of espresso with real cream and one sugar cube - so good!

Lyn said...

Hi Sam-
Glad you enjoyed this...I guess there's a status for everything! I'll never know..reg. coffee gives me the jitters!!

Lyn said...

Hi Jeane-
Yes, this is true stuff..crazy little world! I won't try it..but love your fav!!

Unknown said...

You're just a scaredy cat, Lyn! As a longtime instant coffee drinker (you know what we Brits are like!) I do enjoy the odd cup of real stuff but usually in cappuccino or latte mode. So I fear the finer aromas of Civet coffee would pass unnoticed! Stick to chocolate!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
I'm a de-caffer anyway..also, always looking for a bargain.. the opposite of a status seeker!
Right about chocolate..this AM, melting some chili choc in my!!

alaine@éclectique said...

I saw a documentary on that Civet Coffee...I couldn't come at that! Yewk!!!

Lyn said...

Hi Alaine-
It's odd what's attractive to some folks! Sort of like belonging to an exclusive club...

Doctor FTSE said...

This is a most interesting post. I was particularly intrigued by the Fully Valved Coffee Bag. That's something a Fun Bloke could have fun with.
Thank you for your comment on his Plumbing Poem.
Very Best Wishes and take care.

Lyn said...

Hi Doctor FTSE-
Welcome and thanks for your comment..I too wonder at the oddities..and just must share!!

The Urban Cowboy said...

I love my coffee...but not that much!

Lyn said...

Hi Urban Cowboy
You have good taste!!
Thanks for visiting...

Lyn said...

Hi Jingle-
You are always more than kind! thank you...

Stafford Ray said...

There is so much here! Whoopee cushion bean bags, civets and fads...
There's a business waiting to be started here. Digested beans with economhy of scale... I wonder if I could train my horse to eat the beans without chewing... and... why would a civet eat coffee beans anyway? Some people really are crazy! Glad to note you don't intend to pass your beans through your cat!

Lyn said...

Hi Stafford Ray-
Thanks for your funny response..always appreciated..
One couldn't make this stuff cat will not be a go-between!


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