THIS IS A RATHER SHORT LISTof famous last lines from even more famous movies. Just in case you've forgotten, I'll prompt you a bit.
Who can forget Vivien Leigh's final words as Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind", 1939.
"I'll go home and I'll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!"


Joe E. Brown as Osgood Fielding III, "Some Like It Hot", 1959, to Jack Lemmon: "Well, nobody's perfect!"
Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter, "The Silence of the Lambs", 1991, into the phone: "I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye."
Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine in "Casablanca", 1943, to Claude Rains: "Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

I love the last lines! and your quote about forgiveness.
Hi Kat-
Thank you... I think the list should go on and on...try it!
Hi Wildeve-
Thanks so much! It is fun..and the forgiveness, I really like!
Oh, I need to watch "Now Voyager" again. I gave my copy to my daughter a few years back and now I wish I hadn't. :P
Lyn, you make me laugh so hard - blog for food! ha! - the Bette Davis line is my fav! and congrats on your blog award - as always very well deserved xxo
The Humphrey Bogart line is one of top favourite ones ever. And the 'Some Like It Hot' always brings a smile to my face.
Greetings from London.
Hi Willow-
It's funny how totally unrealistic this movie really is, and yet so memorable.. It's the great actors, and the faces!! Kids don't give stuff back!
Hi Jeane-
Thank you so much..
Only Bette Davis can say a Bette Davis line! Can you imagine saying it with a straight face?
Greetings to A Cuban-
I think "Some Like It Hot", is my all around favorite ..that last line excuses everything!!
Thank you....
Hi Lyn,
“Hello, everybody. This is Mrs. Norman Maine.”
Good old Judy in 'A Star is Born'.
Please pass the tissues!!
Hi Derrick-
They sure don't make weepies the way they used to... fun game, we should include "last lines" whenever we think of one!
Thank you...`
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