Tuesday, July 14, 2009


x xphoto/ Andrew Scrivani for the New York Times

I SURE LIKE MY VEGGIES. I USUALLY MAKE A MEAL out of what you might call a side dish. I don't starve, I add a bit of something here and there to give the meal shape and heft. Take this wonderful dish, Middle Eastern Spinach with Spices and Yogurt. The color alone is a feast. And the taste will make you forget about the omission of meat. Maybe.
So , here's the recipe, adapted from The New York Times. Their recipe calls for leaf spinach. I like frozen because you need a ton of leaf spinach to make it count. To make a meal, I like to add some sort of potato dish, maybe steamed, olive oil drizzled on top, with a sprinkling of salt, pepper and chives or dill. Couscous is good too. Also, always a chunka munka of crusty French bread. And of course an all inclusive salad, you know, the kind you like. Fill a glass with wine half way to start with. You will be happy.
1 tsp. curry powder or to taste
1/8 tsp. gr. cinnamon
1 clove garlic
salt to taste/ black pepper
1 cup drained yogurt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon pine nuts
1 pkg. frozen chopped spinach
Defrost and drain frozen spinach in a colander, squeeze out moisture. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add curry and cinnamon. Add pine nuts, stir for 2 or 3 minutes. When oil is sizzling, add spinach, salt and pepper to taste. Saute and stir for 2-3 minutes, until spinach is heated through and coated with oil and spices. Mash garlic and add to yogurt. Transfer to serving dish, and spoon yogurt over the top. Sprinkle with chopped green onions, or dill. Serves 2.
This can be served as a side dish for meat, fish, or poultry. But not by me!!


Kathleen said...

Well, well, well! This looks so yummy I might just mend my lazy ways and actually cook!

Thank you for visiting my little blog on the prairie.

Your Bach: Prelude sidebar, particularly the ukelele version, is absolutely delightful.

You have a new follower!


Linda S. Socha said...

You have convinced me! When shall I drop by for a sampling:>)

Tess Kincaid said...

This looks wonderful. Spinach is a favorite of mine. I must try this soon. Mmm-mmm.

Natalie said...

Sounds delish! Thanks for sharing it.xx♥

Jeane Myers said...

I'm a total fan of the side dish as the main course!, but spinach is not on my fav list! alas - it's a texture thing, ya know?

A Cuban In London said...

Spinach. I love Spinach. No, I'm not Popeye in London, but i definitely love my spinach. Thanks for that recipe.

Greetings from London.

Lyn said...

Hi Kathleen-
It was a pleasure to find you..thanks. The ukulele virtuoso, John King, recently passed away, was widely admired..
I always cook real easy, lazy too!!

Lyn said...

Hi Linda-
Your wish is my command..this is not impossible!! Thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Willow-
It is my fav spinach recipe..so easy and delicious..you'll see!! Thank you...

Lyn said...

Hi Natalie-
Try it..you'll like it! Thank you...

Lyn said...

Hi Jeane-
Well, you gotta admit it's pretty to look at..maybe a spinach collage!! Ha ha....

Lyn said...

Greetings to A Cuban-
Oh, you'll love this..so fragrant and yummy! Thank you...

Unknown said...

Hi Lyn,

Spinach used to be one of my least favourite veggies but I've matured! I like baby leaves in a salad and I have a great recipe for a pea and spinach soup - also a spinach and salmon roulade, where the spinach is mixed into the (swiss roll) sponge. Only ten minutes until lunch!!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
Yes..when I was growing up, spinach was this weird colored veg that I tried to avoid! Now we know better...I use the baby leaves in a salad too, roulade sounds great..
bon apetite !

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Oh yummy yummy yummy! We giraffes love spinach! My mum always told me it would make my neck grow.

Lyn said...

Thank you..Oh, please do post a recipe, I'm always on the look-out!

Lyn said...

Hi Raph-
Your Mum was right..you will grow to be very strong!! Eat all your veggies!


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