Monday, April 13, 2009


for: National Poetry Month,
a new effort, not from Two Ghosts.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTHE THREAD
One thread, tattered, lies hidden
beneath the surface of the tapestry.
Stand away from the wall
Stand back!
The guard protects the expanse
atop the marble steps.
Stand back from the wall.
The needlepoint, on tour,
gathers round it
the rapt consideration of centuries.
A vista of woven Unicorns,
the carpet first adorned a breezy
palace hall,
when each Duchess
dropped a stitch every hundred years.
One thread, never pulling free,
not attached to the heart,
a fiber serving no known purpose,
Not a bit of it seen,
not being there to the eye,
like being alive and not being somebody,
not only not famous
but a filament detached, floating unbound,
waiting within its perception
to be christened.
c copyright / all rights reserved


Dave King said...

Both the poem and the unicorn are lovely.

Lyn said...

Hi Dave-
Thanks for visiting and for your kind words!

Jeane Myers said...

I love the last stanza? the most! so wonderful Lyn....

Lyn said...

Hi Jeane-
Thanks so much..for some reason, this was a poem that just poured out of when that happens!

Unknown said...

Hi Lyn,

A lovely poem, which makes one think. I really like

"The needlepoint, on tour,
gathers round it
the rapt consideration of centuries."

At Stirling Castle they are weaving a set of tapestries of the Lady and the Unicorn to adorn the restored Great Hall. One can see the volunteers working via a glass wall. Such wonderful symbols woven through the threads.

Lyn said...

Thank you!
Last year there was an exhibit at the Met of several tapestries, a Unicorn among them. All could they have been accomplished?..just a wonder!

A Cuban In London said...

I love the way you play around with the image of the woven unicorns. It's so vivid. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Lyn said...

Greetings to A Cuban-
Thank you. It's funny how poetry "takes over", seems to write itself, like I'm channeling!

Tess Kincaid said...

I love the notion of that one persistant little thread! Lovely poem~!

Unknown said...

If you were channeling, you were tuning in to a pro!

Lyn said...

Hi Willow-
Thank you..from one persistant thread to another!!

Lyn said...

Hi Gaston-
Thank you.. Poetry's sort of a mystery anyway...

Deedee said...

"like being alive and not being somebody,
not only not famous
but a filament detached, floating unbound"
Yes, I have felt this way. Great poem, Lyn.

Lyn said...

Hi Deedee-
Thank you for your comments..indeed, there is that existential feeling..

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Love the poem, Lyn! And the Unicorn is beautiful.

Lyn said...

Hi Raph-
Thank you so much-
Mythology aside, I'm thinking that perhaps you've run into a Unicorn or two in your travels?

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
Thank you for your kind words.. Funny about writing poetry.. sometimes it happens so fast, it's like,"who did that"? Right?


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