Monday, February 22, 2010


A GREAT  BIG THANK YOU TO CatLadyLarewa blogger of great talent and humor for honoring me with the Beautiful Blogger Award!  I sent the bouquet of flowers to myself!! I'm just a big kid at heart...                                                                                                                                           
 Here's what I have to do when I accept the award: 

1.  Thank and link to the person who gave me the award...Thank you, CatLadyLarew.
2.  Pass Award on to 7 bloggers I've recently discovered, (more or less), and whom I think are fantastic!!  Here goes:
      1. Blue Sky Dreaming
         2. Everyday Goddess
         4. Lucy Fur Leaps
         5. Nature Nutz
         6. One Pink Goose
         7. Schererart

3.  Contact Bloggers to let them know to pick up Award.  Will do that very soon..I'm dancing as fast as I can!

4.  State 7 things about myself:

     1.  In the 1980's I resembled a DJ who worked here in NYC.  Got into everything free!
      2.  I'm a LDH/ Reiki Healer, (Long Distance Healer).
      3.  I'm first cousin once removed from the guy who invented Snapple.  He became a  zillionaire, nothing changed for me.
      4.  I have a double lens implant..can see 20/20 now, almost blind before!!  Don't hesitate to take care of yourself!
      5.  Best movie of the year:  "The Hurt Locker".  What's that got to do with me?  It's what I think!
      6.  As a tourist in Monte Carlo casino, was mistaken for ??? and paparazzi swarmed, clicked!
      7.  Listed in psychic reference book and Woman's World as one of top 10 psychics in NYC...wooooo....



Everyday Goddess said...

Great list of seven!
And thanks for the award ~ I will work on it and hopefully post it up soon.
I'm glad to know we have some things in common ~ Reiki ~ Where would I be without it??

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
Thanks so much..lots of fun..we LDH folks really like to get in there..
was sort of a cross between Mia Farrow and Nancy Sinatra..not now!!

Lyn said...

Hi Goddess-
You are so welcome..a pleasure..
so glad that Reiki has spread, not such a secret anymore!

Snooty Primadona said...

Congrats on your award! And, thank you for passing it on to me!

And why I haven't been here more often is a mystery to me, but I have been swarmed with work and house the last few months. I've even been ignoring my poor plants, who are not happy.

I'll try to squeeze in a post about this award this week, if I can. Being an Olympaholic does have its downside...

Lyn said...

Hi Snooty Primadona-
Thank are so sure is hard to get to everything..sometimes I'm too compulsive!! maybe a Blogging Olympics??

Lisa said...

Lovely blog.

Thank you for the award. I will try and do it this week.

alaine@éclectique said...

Congratulations on your award; not surprising with the content of your posts! I'm always guaranteed of a smile or an ahahahahaha! when coming in here!

I'll go and visit your awardees, one of which I found recently myself.

Lyn said...

Hi schererart-
Thank you so much! I so admire your blog..lovely work!

Lyn said...

Hi Alaine-
Thank you so much...I really appreciate your kind words, and it is such a reward to meet bloggers like you!

rallentanda said...

Congratulations on you award.
I didn't know you were a psychic.
Should have guessed from the shoes
and the red hair.

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Congratulation on this award! Great 7 amazing facts about you and your cousin! WOW to LDH/Reiki and the Psychic status!
Thank you for spreading the joy! I will create a post tomorrow and include all the procedures!!
Mary Ann

Lyn said...

Hi rallentanda-
Thank hair/ now blonde..still psychic! Family of good witches!!

Lyn said...

Hi Mary Ann-
Thank you..can't wait to read yours! The whole Snapple thing was amazing, 2 guys from Bklyn!!
Love what Reiki can do..

Anonymous said...

Congrats Lyn.

Lyn said...

Hi Sylvia-
Thank's been fun!!

Cathy said...

Hi Lyn. Not sure if I have thanked you for the award. If not, very remiss of me. Perhaps I did so on your other blog. Anyway, thanks very much of thinking of me. I will post about it soon. I received three so running out of people to pass them on to now.

Lyn said...

Hi Cathy-
You are so welcome..and I know what you mean about finding choices! So many worthy and bright..


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