Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Prompt #1/ Magpie...

Photo from willow/ life at willow manor

THANK YOU WILLOW, for the invitation to join your Magpie Tales.  Always looking for inspiration...what could be better than this mass creativity!  Please continue to drop your ideas like crumbs in the forest...I'll follow you anywhere! 


I poured my whispers
into the dim luster of the pitcher,
my lips almost kissing the rim.

The cold taste of pewter
on my tongue,
seemed like a little bite.

The game I played
spoke only secrets
into the vessel.

When I looked within
I saw a tiny storm
picking up speed,
and made haste
to tell more of my tale.

The pitcher gathered my words,
and entwined them
with the pale tulips
leaning on the edge.

c copyright 2010/ all rights reserved


Berowne said...

Very impressive -- glad I had an opportunity to read it.

I went more for humor (not sure that was a good idea). :-)

Lyn said...

Hi Berowne-
Thanks so much..
Humor?..always a good idea..I usually go for that first, but sometimes I get into a "serious" mood..

Unknown said...

Wonderful poem! I think this Magpie Tales will be bring out many wonderful writers.

Lyn said...

Hi Jane-
How nice! Thanks..I need all the help I can get.

RNSANE said...

I found this quite lovely. What fun we are going to have with Willow's meme!

gerry boyd said...

So good, so good. I like how you created this metaphor and then just rode it perfectly to the end. So nicely rendered, I felt as if I was there. Bravo!

Tess Kincaid said...

A vessel of secrets and storms. I love this!! Mysterious and beautiful, Lyn.

Lyn said...

Thank you..I think this is a very good idea! Leave it to Willow!

Lyn said...

Hi Gerry-
Wow, I'm so appreciative of your comment! Thank you, thank you!!

Vicki Lane said...

Nice response -- I'm enjoying the different takes on the prompt.

Lyn said...

Hi Willow-
Thank you, my friend..I toast you with the best champagne!! Great idea...

Lyn said...

Hi Vicki-
Thanks..so many found Willow's prompt to be inspirational! I can't wait to check them all!!

spacedlaw said...


Lyn said...

Hi spacedlaw-
Thank you!!! I had fun...

Lyn said...

to A Brush
Thank you for visiting..I looked in on your site..so good!

Ronda Laveen said...

Bittersweet tale this pitcher evoked. Very visually and emotionally engaging. Well done.

Brian Miller said...

those whispers & secrets will get you every time...wonderfuly done.

Lyn said...

Hi Rhonda-
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed having the pitcher as my companion!

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
I had fun with this one..try to catch your poetry all the time! thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Jen-
Please wander by anytime..it's so good to expand one's contacts! Thank you so much...

Lyn said...

Hi Brian-
Thanks for stopping by..The secrets are safe!!

Evening Light Writer said...

I like how you turned the creamery from a simple vessel to a vessel of secrets. "The game I played/ spoke only secrets/ into the vessel" are incredibly lovely lines.

Lyn said...

Hi Evening Light-
Never know where it's going when I start.....Thank you for your very kind words!

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Beautiful! I love the imagery.

PattyF said...

Beautiful poem. I love the image of the pitcher gathering your words and entwining them with the tulips.

Lyn said...

Hi CatLady-
I so appreciate the visit..thank you !!

Lyn said...

Hi PattyF-
Thank you...I had this image of 2 lips and tulips, playing their roles!

rallentanda said...

There is beautiful imagery in this poem .I also like the little storm brewing, the tulips and the taste of the pewter.Did you know that the lead content in pewter is high
and can cause insanity.Of course I found this out too late!

Lyn said...

Hi rall...
Too late for me too..now I know why I was always being told to"get the lead out."
And thanks for the very kind words!

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Already like your creative and inventive writing so this is "Chocolate" on top with this prompt! Great line "cold taste of pewter on my tongue"

Lyn said...

Hi Mary Ann-
Thank you..I did like that taste too!! Pewter/chocolate..yum!!

Jan of Thousand Acres said...

Beautiful and deeply moving, thanks for sharing.

Lyn said...

Hi Sun Dance Hill-
Thank you for visiting and your kind words!


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