I was certainly surprised to
hear on the local news today
that the Borough of Queens,
New York City, came in first
in a survey that places them
#1 in resident satisfaction.
Or as the reporter proclaimed,
Queens was the happiest
Borough of all five. I would have
thought that perhaps Manhattan, which
contains Park Avenue and Fifth Avenue,
might have won out. Which just goes to
show that money doesn't buy happiness.
Conducted by a Citizens Committee
for New Yorkers, 4400 people, a
reasonable amount to form a statistic
of 51%, said that they liked the friendliness
of their neighbors, the houses are nice, there's lots of
greenery, the largest diversity of cultures, many languages
(no hysteria here to make English the official language).
And 68% really like to join in for the betterment of
their neighborhoods.
I'm happy that this has seen the light of day. Maybe
there will be a shift in emphasis, and population,
away from Manhattan, to Queens, so that in the future
when we sing..."if you can make it there, you can make
it anywhere"...we will be singing about Queens, N.Y.
I have to admit that in recent years, the only times I've
visited Queens was on the way to or from the airport.
Either LAG, or JFK. Queens, in addition to being so
harmonious, is very well suited for take-offs and
In the future, as I drive through Queens, I will certainly
breathe deeply of it's benevolent air!
I like that.
Thank you. Me too! Viva Las Queens...
I frequented Queens as a kid visiting relatives, and I have to admit, I always had a good time. I haven't been in the past ten to fifteen years but this surely is a good sign that we're not all going to hell in a handbasket. : )
Thanks so much..very interesting. Y'all come back!
Hi Lyn,
Can't really comment, as the last time I was anywhere near Queens would have been over 25 years ago! Sounds like it's worth another visit!
Sounds good! (I've never been to Queens but friendliness of neighbours is wonderful.)
25 years? Changed a bit..welcome back!
Thanks for dropping by.
Indeed, NY'ers are very friendly.
Another reason for me to visit NY. No more excuses, me ol' boy!
Nice post. Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
I'm in SF. Neighbors are not friendly here... it's nice to think they are somewhere!
Well you can stop by anytime! My bro lives in SF, he's OK, but he's a native NY'er!
Thanks and I really enjoyed this.
A Cuban...
Definitely time! We're all soooo nice!
Thank you.
The End...
Thanks for stopping by.
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