Sunday, May 13, 2012

MAGPIE...Prompt #117

                                                         The Meal/ 1891/ Paul Gauguin

Thank you Tess, for this tasty Magpie Tales....

RECIPE/ Enchiladas For Lunch

Chop an onion,
let the tears flow,
place the cilantro to the side.

I mean garlic,
when I say garlic,
let it perform
its breathless way.

Shake that Salsa Verde
as if you're doing the cha-cha.
Then tear a chicken
to smithereens,
but first let it cool its bones.

Roll that tortilla
over and back,
stuff it
with the kitchen sink.

Fill it chock full,
of red chili flakes,
kiss that chicken good-bye,
then top it all
with a gooey queso,
make sure that
it's very fresco.

Turn the heat to soaring.
Lick a lime,
it could be your last.
Let the devil
pass the pizzazz.

copyright/ all rights reserved/ 2012


izzy said...

Ohh yeah- good one! smithereens-
cooling its bones- enjoy, enjoy-

Brian Miller said...

now i def want to come over for dinner....that sounds good...i like lime as well...tasty take on the prompt...

Anonymous said...

cool - luv this recipe-poem-song.

Lyn said...

Hi izzy-
Turned out yummy anyway! Thanks for dropping by..

Lyn said...

Hi Brian-
Master chef? Maybe not...pass the Tequila! And welcome!!

Lyn said...

Hi Paige+Shauna-
I like to tweek my recipes..have an interesting one for upside down cake!! Thanks...

Trellissimo said...

Kitchen sinks are a bit hard to chew... LOL

Lyn said...

Hi Trellissimo-
Not if you soften the contents with a Tequila Sunrise! Thanks for coming 'round!

Laurie Kolp said...

I can just picture this fun cooking in my head... love it... especially:

Shake that Salsa Verde
as if you're doing the cha-cha.

Gail said...

Now, I'm hungry. Thanks for stopping by.

Lyn said...

Hi Laurie-
Never could follow a recipe..make it up as I go along!...thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Gail-
Just throw this together..won't take long...Thanks!

Jim Swindle said...

I think the best line is "but first let it cool its bones."

Unknown said...

Catchy, upbeat and mouth watering.

Lyn said...

Hi Jim-
You won't find that in every cook book! Glad you liked it..thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Marita-
Welcome, and thanks for the lovely comment!!

Helen said...

So much fun, Lyn! Movin' in the kitchen has all sorts of benefits especially when you're cookin' the Lyn way!!!

Anonymous said...

quite a meal.

Tess Kincaid said...

I really like "I mean garlic when I say garlic"...delicious write Lyn...

Lyn said...

Hi Helen-
You're welcome to join me! Thank you!!

Lyn said...

Hi zongrik-
Only to be eaten once in a while!Thanks...

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
What a memory you have! I believe I did once post a recipe for spaghetti!! Thank you...

Lyn said...

Hi Tess-
Stop by so we can sample this mish-mash..Thanks for stirring me up!!

R. Burnett Baker said...

This just tickled my funny bone!


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