Sunday, March 18, 2012

MAGPIE...Prompt #109

                                               Image/ Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

THANK YOU, Tess, for Magpie #109, at Magpie Tales.


The world,
you think, (maybe)
swept under the cover
of cheap goods.

A couple of gears,
a twist to tighten,
another year goes by,
and all that vanity,
a birthright?

The preening,
that one is a leader,
one is a slave.

Surprised, won't you be,
to see a musical comedy,
fa la la,
when you awaken.

These are the jokes, folks,
and God roiling       
with a belly laugh as usual.

What about me,
Sisyphus kid brother,
your daily double,
pushing aside the tarp,
turning the screw once more?

What about me,
bad back and all?
Bloody hell!

copyright/ all rights reserved/ 2012


R. Burnett Baker said...

Very very clever! And you're right about God's belly laugh. Love the image you create with the Sisyphus reference: That's us humans to a tee!


JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

With all the early post today, i am learning a lot. With this one too. Love it!..


Tess Kincaid said...

Bloody hell good write...fa la la...I like your Sisyphus reference...

Lyn said...

Hi Rick-
The same old grind again!! Thanks for dropping by..

Lyn said...

Hi JJ-
That's what I love, all the varied insights, turned into poetry!! Thanks..

Lyn said...

Hi Tess-
How many times do I have to thank you? Forever, I hope!! Thanks..

Susan Anderson said...

One of my favorites thus far...


Unknown said...

I agree whole heartedly and a perfect poem to publish at tax time. Bloody hell!! Thanks for the great response, Lyn.

Lyn said...

Hi Sue-
Thank you so much for your kind words!

Lyn said...

Hi Linda-
So glad you enjoyed it..oh yes, tax time..don't remind me!!

Anonymous said...

the bad back at the end was unexpected. i liked that

angular acceleration

Brian Miller said...

sisyphus kid brother...nice ref that...and i am chuckling a bit along with god....

Lyn said...

Hi zongrik-
A surprise for me never know! Thanks..

Kathe W. said...

love God's belly laugh! So very smart of you!

Lyn said...

Hi Brian-
Chuckling is good...thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Kathe-
So pleased with your comment...yes, more laughs! Thanks..

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
Always so happy to hear from you..this has been going on for ages now..more to come!! Thank you...

Helena said...

Hey! Hey! Magic piece. Sisyphus is a great reference - and oh, how we relate to him....!

Tumblewords: said...

Again, a welcome piece! Top notch!

Lyn said...

Hi Helena-
Thanks for dropping by..yes, we do have a couple of chores to do!!

Lyn said...

Hi Tumblewords-
Very nice of you..thanks so much!

Carrie Van Horn said...

A brilliant write as usual Lyn, and quick on the draw in line to!

A Cuban In London said...

Bloody 'ell indeed! It leaps and bounces on your hand. Your poem does. Loved it. Great to be back.

Greetings from London.

Helen said...

Wow! Lyn, one of your very best!

Kristen Haskell said...

Great job here!

Lyn said...

Hi Carrie-
So happy to hear your generous words..thanks! Early riser, for a change...

Lyn said...

Hi Cuban in London-
What a nice surprise! Hope and expect that you've been up to great things, glad to welcome you back..thanks for the lovely comment.

Lyn said...

Hi Helen-
Can't thank you enough for your kind words!

Lyn said...

Hi Kristen-
So glad you enjoyed this..thanks!

Maude Lynn said...

Very, very clever piece!

Lyn said...

Hi Mama Zen-
Thanks for your visit and your comment!

Lyn said...

Hi C.M.-
Good to see you again...thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi guys...
I'm off to a week of birthday celebrations..we Aries know how to do it!! See you later...

S.E.Ingraham said...

Sisyphus brother with a bad back ... brilliant - this is very good - loved it


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