Sunday, February 19, 2012

MAGPIE...Prompt #105

                                                            Image/ epic mahoney

THANKS TO TESS at Magpie Tales. 


Small change in my pocket,
shabby tips.
No dial tone.
Just another Nighthawk
frozen in neon
at the end of the world.

Pedal on.

copyright/ all rights reserved/ 2012


Mimi Foxmorton said...

Isn't that always the way.

Nice work bringing that scene to life!

Collage Pirate

Brian Miller said...

hate it when the tips sucked...and it can def be a lonely place there at the edge...smiles.

Lyn said...

Hi Mimi-
Thanks...that photo really resonated!

Lyn said...

Hi Brian-
Yes, ...hard times...keep moving!! Thank you...

Trellissimo said...

Beautifully concise and apt.

Laurie Kolp said...

Lyn- Clever and very creative!

izzy said...

sometimes you could dial first, then pay- but I lost quite a bit of change to MA Bell!

Lyn said...

Hi Trellissimo-
Thanks for your kind words! I'll try concise again!

Lyn said...

Hi Laurie-
Fell in love with the many paths to take with this one!! Thanks..

Lyn said...

Hi izzy-
And they still call her Ma. Are they kidding? Thanks for the possibilities!

Susan Anderson said...

I like the simplicity/depth of this...and the advice.


Carrie Van Horn said...

"....peddle on" this Lyn!

Lyn said...

Hi Sue-
Thank you so much..yes, let's keep moving on!

Lyn said...

Hi Carrie
Thanks...interesting many really good responses!

Brigid O'Connor said...

Loved this, the poem reads like song lyrics:)

Unknown said...

Your Out of Order response says much about humanity and about the main character who would 'OCCUPY' the phone booth. A cold reality check and a curt response.... 'Pedal on'. Sadly real. Thank you for sharing, Lyn.

Lyn said...

Hi Brigid-
Very interesting, a lyric..I love to see it in a new way...thanks so much!

Lyn said...

Hi Linda-
I had a sense of isolation when I wrote this...glad you picked up on it...and pedal on is all we can do!

DCW said...

A mood well captured. I feel it.

Berowne said...

Nicely captured mood piece. (He said as he pedaled away...)

Lyn said...

Thank you..this picture has spun a thousand words!!

Other Mary said...

At the end of the world - yes!

Doctor FTSE said...

Catches the mood of the picture very well.

rel said...

Rooms to let, fifty cents
Ain't got no cigarttes....

Lyn said...

Hi Berowne-
Thanks for your comment...glad you're still pedaling!

Lyn said...

Hi Other Mary-
That's what it looked like to me...thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Doctor FTSE-
Some picture, huh..enough for everyone...thank you!!

Lyn said...

Hi rel-
Hard times...yes, you got it my friend...thanks!

~T~ said...

Nice artistic allusion. Where do you find a working pay phone these days?

Lyn said...

Hi ~T~
There are some phones hanging off posts here, but a booth...hmm, will keep my eyes open...and thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
Just feeling a bit existential...and thank you!!

Lyn said...

Hi zongrik-
Thanks for your comment..always welcome...

Tess Kincaid said...


Lyn said...

Hi Tess-
You found one perfect photo..thanks...amazing..


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