Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MAGPIE/ Prompt #49

                                                              photo/ willow/ magpie tales 


The Gazette Girls
were invited to play
in a field of snow.
Pose for a calendar
sure to be a sell-out
at the start of the year.

Please turn this way and that,
let us see at least an ankle
of a fully clad foot.

Smile at the Kodak,
flirt a bit with teasing eyes,
as if your beau was there.

Place a hand on curvy hips,
it's alright to mildly
and tantalize,
but don't reveal
anything too daring,
if you please,

and never forget
when the time comes, 
to say cheese.

@copyright/all rights reserved/2011

A sentimental photo to lead the way to a Magpie..thanks Tess, for the challenge!!



Maggie said...

Models, indeed. That reminded me of just how long it must have taken them to prepare to go out in public.

RJ Clarken said...

What a clever idea - calendar girls! I'm glad I came by - I definitely had a lovely surprise.

Lyn said...

Hi thingy-
Thanks for dropping by...It's taking me a long time to dress for this winter's weather!!

Lyn said...

Hi lightverse-
Well, aren't you nice! Thanks...

Friko said...

The ladies had problems with the cheese, I see.

Lyn said...

Hi Friko-
But when they finally smiled, it was heaven!!

Words A Day said...

Ooo! The ankle of a fully clad foot! That would be a sell out!
Enjoyed this magpie!

Lyn said...

Hi Words A Day-
I guess lots of stuff can be exciting! Thanks for your comment...

Helen said...

I love, I love, I love my calendar girls .. each and every day of the year!

Lyn said...

Hi Helen-
That has a nice lilt to it!! Thanks...

Reflections said...

They do look like models posing for the camera, don't they? With just a hint of tantalize... there in the tilt of the head.

Thanks for stopping by to visit.

Windsmoke. said...

After reading this fantastic poem it reminded me of the movie Calendar Girls which is completely different from the B&W photo.

Lyn said...

Hi Reflections-
Some super models, huh?? Always happy to visit and receive your comments..thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi Windsmoke-
Thank you so much..I do remember the film..Helen Mirren, right? That was fun...

Jinksy said...

Very clever! Cheese! LOL

Lyn said...

Hi Jinksy-
thanks..smile, you're on candid camera!!

Suz said...

Oh I liked this
really a nice poem
lovely to read aloud

Tess Kincaid said...

This is a darling piece!

Lyn said...

Hi Suz-
Glad you liked this..It's always interesting to read out loud!

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
Naughty but nice, those were the days...thanks for your comment!

Lyn said...

Hi Tess-
These girls just want to have fun even, though they don't look it..thanks!!

Kathe W. said...

clever take on the photo! What will be written in 100 years about 3 women posing today?

Lyn said...

Hi kathew-
Good question..probably"what we're they thinking"????

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

what a fun piece,
yeah, say cheese,

your entry rocks.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Some Awards 4 you, please help visiting 2 or 3 poets to give birthday wishes, Thanks!

Your support is valued!

Lyn said...

Hi Jingle-
Thanks for the visit and for thinking of me..so kind!

annell4 said...

How wonderful1

Lyn said...

Hi annell-
Thanks so much...lovely!

A Cuban In London said...

It goes so well with the photo. And I love the rhythm of it. I read it whilst listening to WRTI radio station. I've got the jazz channel on and it suits the atmosphere perfectly.

Greetings from London.

Lyn said...

Greetings to A Cuban-
Thanks for visiting..I too think that a lot was going on under those clothes..jazz..hmmm..

Carrie Van Horn said...

Lyn this is so much fun....love the take you took with this photo....:-)

Lyn said...

Hi Carrie-
I looked at them and couldn't let them be too serious! thanks...

Cad said...

Nothing like the Calendar Girls I know! :)

Lyn said...

Hi Cad-
Time marches on!!! Thanks for dropping by...

Chrissy said...

oh to go back to a day of modesty where mystery and the unknown/unseen were more seductive than baring skin and leaving nothing to the imagination...just like this photograph did...revealed just a hint of what possibly was...leaves the true artistry up to the eye of the beholder and leaves us with wanting to know more! Nice write :)

Lyn said...

Hi Chrissy-
I'm afraid that modesty has left the stage..where do we go from here?? thanks for visiting...

Helena said...

heh heh....what an amusing and clever take on the pompt! Models these days whip off their clothes with no shame! You worded the historic version wonderfully!

Lyn said...

Hi Lena-
Thanks! Where do we go from here???

Anonymous said...

never forget to smile... ;)

Lyn said...

Hi rrel-
I am always a smiley face..sometimes too much!! Good thing to know...


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