Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hello, I Must Be Going...

When I first started Blogging, on Dec. 8, 2008, yes, a year ago today, I really didn't have a clue about what I wanted to accomplish. I think I wanted to make a good impression. The acceptance thing, I guess.
I supposed my blog was going to be an exploration. Many times I didn't really know what direction I was going in. How happy I was to read your blogs, be in touch with your amazing talents. I found my inspiration through you.
You all sharpened my perception and connected me to your skills and wisdom. You helped me to lessen my attachment to my own ego. This experience fits in very well with my Buddha quest, yet what doesn't? By connecting me to your basic kindness, you have constantly awakened my true heart. Your encouragement is my teacher.
Yet I've gotten to a place where I know I can't fully participate. I have to pull back, because like most of you, I sometimes find myself involved with too much of this and that.
I will try to maintain at least a post a week, probably do the Choclat Sin thing...and, hmmm, poetry...or..or...or...more!
I have great affection for you ...want so much to have that fantasy party where I get to sit and chat ( like Jeane/ARTIT, and I were able to do) and thank the blogosphere for providing a very interesting way to make friends.
Of course I'll be reading your blogs..I know that I will be amused, enlightened, enriched, as always!! I'll be back....THANK YOU.


Natalie said...

Love to you, Lyn, whatever you do.xx♥

Unknown said...

Hi Lyn,

Many congratulations! I hadn't realised that you began blogging so soon after I had taken the plunge. I'm certainly glad you did. I enjoy your poetry, kindness of spirit and your humour - not to mention the recipes!

I look forward to being able to luxuriate still in your words; all the more so if the intervals lengthen.

Lyn said...

Hi Natalie-
And to you too!! I'll be watching!

Lyn said...

Hi Derrick-
And congrats to you! I noticed that you too will be cutting back, and I must say that your words and images have always been outstanding..I'm sure they will continue to be so!

Tess Kincaid said...

Then we'll savor your weekly posts all the more, Lyn. Enjoy all your endeavors, dear friend.

Lyn said...

Hi Willow-
So pleased and happy to have found you..especially as a friend and inspiration!

Jeane Myers said...

thank YOU Lyn! you have made me laugh for a year - I have loved your poetry and the conversation in your comment section has been one of the best in blogland and thank god, you will still post chocolate sin! love from here :)

Lyn said...

Hi Jeane-
What a pleasure it's been for me to find a person such as you..I think we're serious gals who want to have fun! Look forward to your wonderfully developed Art! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Wow, we began blogging at the same time Lyn, so happy blogaversary!

I, too, had to pull back to posting once a week. We all have to do what we have to do. Take care.

A Cuban In London said...

What can I say that has not been repeated?
Your blog turned up all of a sudden like some kind of riddle
I laughed, I thought, I even shed tears,
And that's why, my friend, I send you three cheers!

I wish you luck in everything you do in life. And my best regards to your family, too.

Greetings from London.

Lyn said...

Hi Jane-
Thank you so much..I'm not disappearing, will be snooping over your shoulder..absolutely.
Lots of bloggers seem to have kicked it off at the same time last year! Good for us..

Lyn said...

Greetings to a Cuban-
I so appreciate your kind words..you are inspirational, will continue to check on you!
My style..popping up out of nowhere, dancing on a table for a while, then taking a walk...

Lyn said...

Hi Kat-
You put it so well,..it's about making the effort, and perhaps saying to someone..hey..this is who I am. And they don't mind! But sometimes it does seem to possess me..I never like that...funny, today I came up with an idea!!

alaine@éclectique said...

Happy Anniversary Lyn! I started eleven days later!!!

You'll remain on my sidebar and I'll 'clock on' when I see a change! I do enjoy your poetry and your wit and understand your decision completely, as I'm feeling the same way! I'm looking for more exercise and fresh air; I have acquired the 'Secretary spread' by sitting, sitting and my 'mouse arm' is giving me curry!!

You know what they say about variety! Enjoy! xa

Deedee said...

I know how you feel, Lyn. I started in January of this year as a reaction to losing my job. Now that I am working again, it's harder to find the time, but I usually manage about once a week. It is interesting that so many of us all started at the same time! As always, I'll continue to look forward to reading your posts.

Lyn said...

Hi Alaine-
Thanks..it's funny how several of us started at the same time..I'm grateful to have found you! I will be poking around as soon as a good thought hits me!
Fresh air sounds good..I'll try some of that!

Lyn said...

Hi Deedee-
I remember finding you in the early days, and have been so impressed with your sensitivity and artistry. You speak the truth! Good luck with your work and I always look forward to your blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A year of Blogging.Congrats Lyn. I don't always leave a comment, but I do enjoy visiting - your posts are entertaining and interesting. A big hug. Sylvia

Lyn said...

Hi Sylvia-
Thanks for dropping by..I will try to post again soon!


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